[Shop-talk] floor options for new slab
Mike Rambour
lists at dinospider.com
Thu Dec 11 13:29:33 MST 2014
Unfortunately, I would go with paint. I say unfortunately because it
wont look as good as epoxy or staining or tiles but it will hold up and
be very easy to repair.
Of the 2, epoxy or stain, stain is the most weld splatter resistant
but hardest to repair when the time comes, the repair area will have a
different color.
I have Racedeck tiles in my shop and I LOVE them, in my first shop I
was MIG welding and burning up tiles like crazy (Racedeck will replace
damaged tiles) they are not in any way weld proof (duh...they are
plastic). In my new shop I left a area of bare concrete where I do most
of my welding and plasma cutting now, I also moved up to TIG so a lot
less damage. I put down a welding blanket on the rare occasion that I
can't move my project to the bare concrete welding area and it works. A
bit of a pain but its a hobby not a living so I can take the time to put
the blanket down.
I left a 6'x6' area bare concrete in a corner as my welding/metal
working area, I find most of my stuff I can move there and weld. I did a
exhaust system for my daughters car a few months ago that was MIG tack
welded on the lift with Racedeck underneath and a blanket on the floor,
then removed the exhaust and finished off the welding with TIG, the
benefit was a much better looking weld on the bench then done under the
car, it was a pain to work in that 6x6 area with the long exhaust but it
worked. 90+% of my stuff is small enough to fit on the welding table so
I like my setup.
The last option that you did not mention would be porcelain tiles,
they will hold up to most weld splatter with some discoloration,
properly put down wont crack when normal things are dropped on them, of
course they will crack if you drop a head because you know the head will
land on its corner (and knock off a chunk of the head, big oops) but
even cracked they look good and they are cheaper than Racedeck assuming
you are doing the labor. Kind of easily replaced also when you break
one. I plan on doing porcelain tiles in my welding area to match as
best as I can the Racedeck pattern, been planning that for a decade now :)
On 12/11/2014 12:03 PM, steve hochschild wrote:
> So back to the old standby, shop flooring...
> I am building a welding studio / track car shop behind my
> grrlfriend's house in Austin. It is 16' x 32', and I just got my slab
> poured on Tuesday. Had to pump the 12 yards of concrete, and it was a
> lot of work to manhandle the hose, but I think they did a good job. It
> was power-troweled to a smooth surface, and is nice and level.
> I had always planned on an epoxy floor, but I have just been told that
> I have two issues: I have to wait 6 months for the slab to fully cure
> before I epoxy it or it will bubble, and second, that I don't want an
> epoxy floor where I plan to weld. I do tig welding on a welding
> table, but there are falling pieces, sparks, plasma cutting, and so
> on, and it is suggested that this will eat up the epoxy very quickly.
> So I saw a concrete paint at a big-box, and my neighbor is having her
> floors stained, so I would welcome yr thoughts and advice on using
> either paint or stain?
> I've already tried the plastic matting approach, which I don't want,
> but what about linoleum or vinyl tiles? How about laminate - it would
> look good, but will it work ?? I think it would have to be glued
> down, as it doesn't seem like floating it on the pad would work.
> Very excited about this project! Thanks!
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