[Shop-talk] Grade 8 UNF threaded rod

Randall TR3driver at ca.rr.com
Sat Dec 6 09:09:34 MST 2014

Randall wrote: 

> Seems to be remarkably unpopular, for some reason.  I poked 
> around a bit, found two places that list it, but neither one 
> looks hobbyist friendly.
> http://goo.gl/bwrM8E
> http://goo.gl/a1jwaf

Sorry, the second link is bad.  You'll have to go to
And search from there.  Or just contact them directly, as there is no price or way to order through the web site:

Harrison & Bonini
1122 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(between 7th & 8th streets)

Call Mon. through Fri. 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM PST
Toll Free: 866.442.2658
In California: 415.861.8300
Fax: 415.552.0796
Email: paul at hbbolt.com

-- Randall

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