[Shop-talk] Installing multiple 240 outlets.

eric at megageek.com eric at megageek.com
Sat Sep 21 07:39:07 MDT 2013

David asks...
>No Ford Focus on your list?

It was on the list, but after seeing the same results with the other two 
all electric cars, I felt there was no reason to waste my time.  It was 
listed at about the same ranges, etc.

The problem is my range.  Most electric cars work best if your daily 
commute is either 30 miles or less, or less than 60 miles, but you can 
charge at work.

My need is 34 miles one way, and no ability to charge at work (yet.)

That is why I went with the volt.  Once the battery is gone, you got 
unlimited fuel.

With the Volt, I can now pressure my employer to get the charging station, 
because I already have a car to use on it, but I can use the gas until 
they do.

The only reason I did this was that the numbers worked or me (I need an 
SUV that gets poor milage frequently but not as a daily commuter), so my 
fuel costs were $460 a month at $3.50 a gallon.

I have 2 spreadsheets and (for those into  higher level analysis) a 
"analysis of competing hypothesis" matrix that all point to the Volt as 
the answer.*

So the new vehicle, with all the costs (insurance, etc) was less than I 
was currently spending, and I gain a new car in the process and save the 
milage of my SUV which I love and can keep much longer now.

Oh, I have solar at my house, so that makes a recharge 'free' for me as 

 I have a feeling that in 3 to 5 years, electric cars will be more of the 
'norm' and not fringe.

*=(I have no problem sharing these with anyone interested.)

Eric P
"Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational 
being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory." Ralph 
Waldo Emerson 

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