[Shop-talk] Sanding cylinders on drill press

ejrussell at mebtel.net ejrussell at mebtel.net
Sat Feb 16 15:11:41 MST 2013

Quoting Lee Daniels <lee at automate-it.com>:
> I assume there's a use for which they're ideally suited - what would that be?

Umm, sanding concave curves... 

I use similar items frequently on woodworking projects. If you can use 
one hand to hold the project piece and the other to move the drill 
press spindle up & down you'll get an even finer finish. I also made an 
auxillary table with a hole in it so the sanding drum can project below 
the surface slightly - that way the entire edge gets sanded without 
having the sanding drum contacting the table. 

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

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