[Shop-talk] Tech question - for the shop

nick brearley nick at landform.co.uk
Thu Sep 27 04:49:06 MDT 2012

Matt wrote:
> My home wifi barely makes it to the shop - not a reliable signal. In
> attempting to provide a usable signal, would I be better off trying one of the
> signal repeater/boosters like this:http://tinyurl.com/8s4jdch Which may or may
> not provide enough boost.Although a side benefit is it would surely improve
> access around the pool area - and perhaps even induce personnel of great
> visual appeal to frequent the area with their pads, smart phones & readers...
> Or one of the power line gadgets, like
> this:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833127386
> _______________________________________________


I've used the Netgear wi-fi version of the newegg product for a year. See


It's worked well in the house which is an old brick building and out in 
the shop which is separate from the house. You could install one near 
the pool but I can't say that using one has resulted in the appearance 
of any POGVAs in my shop...


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