[Shop-talk] Follow-up on recent topics

Jeff Scarbrough fishplate at gmail.com
Thu May 3 13:00:17 MDT 2012

Hi all,

A couple of things regarding recent topics...

First, sandblast cabinets and compressors - a data point.  I have this
cabinet http://www.harborfreight.com/abrasive-blast-cabinet-42202.html
and this compressor
.  Using them together for the first time the other day, the
compressor had no problem keeping up with the cabinet.

Second, on the subject of shop air plumbing.  Before joining this
list, I used the nylon tubing kit from HF, but I put it low on the
wall, and my "drops" are risers.  When I was sandblasting the other
day, it was pretty humid.  Sure enough, I started getting water along
with the air and sand.  I drained some from the regulator, and a lot
from the tank.  Of course, there must be gallons of it in the pipe,
since I installed it with no way to drain it.

So, for those of you who are waiting until you build you dream shop to
do a proper air line installation, consider that there are substantial
downsides to doing it the easy way.  My next garage project is to
install proper piping...

Jeff Scarbrough
Corrosion Acres, Ga.

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