[Shop-talk] computer virus question

Scott scott.hall.personal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 11:43:12 MST 2012

Yeah, I don't have that.  Well, not explicitly, anyway. What I do have 
is a need to communicate with people who are running our servers (which 
run on Linux, I understand).  No mentoring, though.  The Java and Visual 
Basic stuff I use on a daily basis (or at least that's what they tell 
me, anyway). Those I can probably fool around with until I figure it 
out. I have no idea what in here is programmed on Python.

On 3/8/2012 12:42 PM, Peter Murray wrote:
> Best way to learn Linux is a) have a project for which you use Linux
> and b) have a mentor who can help you. Just like using a new tool or
> shop technique!
> -Peter

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