[Shop-talk] computer virus question

Scott scott.hall.personal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 09:07:29 MST 2012

I think I need to go get a "Linux for Dummies" book or something. I 
frequently feel like the lady saying "the oil light is on" with our tech 
stuff. I can't help but think I'd be a whole lot happier if I at least 
had a working knowledge of Java, Linux, Visual Basic, etc. And 
apparently Python too. I took a C class in college eons ago. How that 
qualified me to be our interface with IT I have no idea, but I'd at 
least like to understand this stuff better.

On 3/8/2012 10:49 AM, Wayne wrote:
> No need for wars... to each his own.  If you want to play with Linux 
> without committing to installing it, google around for "live CDs". 
> These let you boot entirely from CD, and run Linux from memory with 
> access to your files on a windoze box but not actually installing it 
> permanently.  I like Puppy Linux, it's also a great repair tool for 
> windoze.
> If you want to install, try Ubuntu or Mint.  It's definitely possible 
> to set up a PC to boot multiple OSes, but I'm not sure if the 
> installer for either of those two facilitate it after the fact.

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