[Shop-talk] Is this true?---Fw: eBay Motors Fee Class Action(6540054)

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Tue Jan 17 12:14:15 MST 2012

On 1/17/2012 11:46 AM, Mike Sinclair wrote:
> I had a friend who years ago bought a car part from across the state.  They
> shipped the part ok, but then sent a LETTER (no email those days), saying he
> owed another five cents.  He ignored it, so they send a second letter.  This
> time he taped a dime to a letter saying he didn't have change.  They sent him
> another letter, with a check for five cents.

My favorite story along these lines was from a guy I knew in the army 
(who was, even in the `60s, far geekier than many today when it came to 
computers, etc.) who had taken out a department store account while he 
was working in Washington, DC, and after being drafted, when he was 
going to Vietnam, wrote them a check to pay off his balance and close it 
out.  Almost immediately, he started getting overdue notices, demanding 
payment of $0.00.  After a couple of months, the threatening letters 
followed him to the helicopter unit he was at in Dong Tam, and were 
getting progressively nastier, the bill would be sent to collections, 
etc.  He would dutifully write them back and tell them he didn't owe 
them anything, to no avail.  Finally, he said, he realized that no 
matter how many letters he sent them, this was just a programming error 
that no one had felt was worth bothering to fix, so he sent them a check 
for $0.00, and no more trouble.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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