john niolon jniolon at bham.rr.com
Tue Jan 17 08:01:03 MST 2012


I'm like you... I come here first for advise on the fix and I'm still cheap 
enough and enjoy tinkering enough to at least consider doing it myself. 
Shop-talk gurus always have an answer and let me know whether it's above my 
level of daring or now.

Fill valve ???   Hey, I can do that... my problem is getting down on the 
floor to do it (and getting back up).

Wish I had a local guy... had one and he padlocked the doors...small 
business is hard to keep running these days.  I hate it ... now I have to 
drive 25-30 miles to buy parts when he used to be 4 miles away.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott" <scott.hall.personal at gmail.com>
To: <shop-talk at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] MY DISHWASHER IS A RUMBLIN

> At the risk of getting kicked off the list, the smartest thing I ever did 
> with regard to home appliance repair is find a local guy that's REALLY 
> good at that, and cheap. My only complaint is that he won't fix water 
> heaters--says it's cheaper to just replace them.
> I'd *like* to know how to do it myself, and it frustrates me that most 
> appliances are simple machines that any moron can fix. But each time 
> something breaks for the last few years, I weigh posting on here and 
> learning the ins and outs of whatever it was that cratered and trying to 
> DIY...or calling him.  Calling him always wins.
> I guess if you don't have that guy where you are, then my best guess for 
> your dishwasher is what you said--something in the fill valve is bad. I'd 
> replace it.
> On 1/17/2012 9:42 AM, Peter J. Thomas wrote:
>> On 1/17/2012 8:47 AM, john niolon wrote:
>>> Something new popped up to occupy my time...  whirlpool dishwasher has 
>>> decided
>>> to make unusual noises.
>>> it sounds like water hammer ... but very fast vibration... not one quick 
>>> thump
>>> like when you turn a faucet off and it bangs.   I can feel a vibration 
>>> in the
>>> sink faucet when it happens... usually only hear it when the washer is 
>>> filling
>>> or using water.  If I turn on the sink faucet it stops, but that tends 
>>> to
>>> waste a lot of water...
>>> I'm thinking the fill valve/solonoid is going bad... what do you guys 
>>> think
>>> ???
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