[Shop-talk] LED Headlight for electric motorcycle

Battmain battmain at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 6 13:03:20 MST 2012

Ebay I think would be your best bet I think.  The problem is that anything
related to LEDs
at the moment are kinda' pricey, but should you want to tackle
the building part yourself,
you can get components in bulk for less than a
quarter of the price of the built units. 
Look up LED flood lights and see if
you can scavenge parts from those for your


Original Message -----
> From: "eric at megageek.com" <eric at megageek.com>
> To:
shop-talk at Autox.Team.Net
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, January 6, 2012 1:27 PM
Subject: [Shop-talk] LED Headlight for electric motorcycle
(Because this is 100% electric bike, I need to reduce the power draw as 
much as possible.)
> But I can't find any LED headlight options.  What I
need is a hi/low beam 
> LED light.  I can use one in the center or two on the
sides.  It can be 
> 12VDC or 48VDC.
> Does anyone know where I can find
one?  (Note, I'm NOT looking for just an 
> LED bulb replacement.  I need the
entire fixture.)  Thanks.

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