[Shop-talk] What fun - O2 sensor

Scott scott.hall.personal at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 07:49:18 MST 2012

I feel your pain. My wife's New Beetle is the first car I've ever worked 
on that I wasn't actually sure I could repair. It literally became an 
issue that my hands couldn't fit between the frame member and the engine 
to access stuff. When I asked online and at the dealer, they say stuff 
like, "Yeah, we have to give it to a tech that can get his hands in there."

And I used to think Mazda was just punishing the Americans for 
Hiroshima.  They're nothing compared to that Beetle.

I guess everyone must have that One Car That Beat Them (Almost).

On 1/3/2012 12:23 AM, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> I need to replace a failed oxygen sensor in my old S10.  Should be
> a simple task - fat chance! There's just so little clearance that when I
> do get a wrench or socket securely on it there's no way to get enough
> torque applied to break it loose.   Heat, penetrent in various 
> combinations
> and cycles have not made it any easier.  Sheesh.

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