[Shop-talk] Welding table

ejrussell at mebtel.net ejrussell at mebtel.net
Mon Jan 2 18:52:27 MST 2012

> the top has sagged ever-so-slightly on the long axis.  Maybe a half inch
> on either end. 

Either my email isn't working or there haven't been any replies. If the 
latter here goes mine. 

I think you need to apply some force to oppose the bend. Can the top be 
removed and flipped over? Or prop up the sagging ends and apply an 
opposing force to push the bow down. (hydraulic jack and a stout post 
against a garage door header?) If you try your idea of a clamping a 
beam along the top to pull the bow out you again need to over-pull it 
to take the bend out. Place a solid block in the middle then clamp down 
the ends to pull the bow out.  Just laying it down on a flat floor and 
applying some heat won't do it. You need to bend it the other way 
almost as much as it is bent now to allow for spring back. 

As for threaded holes for hold down jigs - I'd think threads in 1/2 
thick steel would be quite strong. You are wanting to simply hold 
things still - not bend heavy parts. 

If you bolt your ground clamp to the top will that make your welder 
less portable? And does that matter to you? Or do you have an extra 
ground cable that would simply plug into the welder?

No good ideas about paint. Obviously you can't paint the top and even 
the underside of the top might not hold paint for long if you are 
welding directly on it. The legs should be fine with a coat or two of 

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

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