[Shop-talk] Steep curb/driveway fix?

Matt Trebelhorn matt.lists at trebelhorn.com
Mon Apr 9 12:46:08 MDT 2012

I live in an area with those semi-curbs -- there's no cut in the curb  
for the driveway, so it's fairly steep getting in.  But the "curb" is  
the same height everywhere.  I'm sure it's cheaper for the builder to  
just do one type of curb, rather than making cuts for every driveway.

Anyway, I want to make the driveway less of a bump/scrape going in.   
There's this:


(The link also has pictures of the kind of curb/driveway I'm talking  

But that's expensive (plus ~$100 in shipping).  Any better/simpler/ 
DIY solutions?

Must look decent.  That's the big limitation, I think.

Anyway, your thoughts/suggestions are, as always, appreciated.


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