Brian Kemp bk13 at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 30 16:58:46 MST 2011

John - Here is a low math method.

Take a sheet of plywood or heavy cardboard and stick it under the front 
of the car against the wheels.  Lift it against the front bumper/spoiler 
and prop it up.  Measure the angle.   This angle needs to be greater 
than the angle of the ramp.

If you have the trailer, park it as you would when you load and use a 
long board to simulate the ramp.  Lengthen the board until the angle is 
less than the front measurement above.

Now cut your plywood or cardboard at 1/2 the wheelbase.  Put one edge 
against the wheels under the car and lift against the bottom center of 
the car.  Repeat for the other axle to make sure they are about the 
same.  You can then put together a quick spread "V" some boards and 
where the height is the ground clearance at 1/2 the wheelbase and the 
lengths are 1/2 the wheelbase.  I realize this is slightly inaccurate, 
but it should be close.  Slide it over the ramp and make sure only the 
ends touch.


On 11/30/2011 6:29 AM, john niolon wrote:
> math and geometry have never been my strong suite... I need some help with a
> formula
> Here's the math problem for all you geometry/trig/calculus/trailer building
> car people.(that have to haul the ride sitting in the shop... shop content)
> I need to calculate the ramp length for a car hauler trailer so the vehicle
> won't drag on loading. given
> a.  the height of the trailer bed
> c.  the distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the front tire contact
> point
> d.  the wheel base of the vehicle
> e.  the height of the vehicle at it's lowest point
> I think I've included all the variables... I know dovetailing the trailer
> helps a lot... but we might have to work with what's available...
> a "plug in" formula would be sweet so you could just put in the variables and
> it would calculate the ramp length
> I've got a sketch of what I'm trying to solve if you want to look at
> http://jniolon.classicpickup.com/RAMP.HTML
> I know this group can come up with something... heck, if I had the material
> you could build it be quitting time
> thanks
> John
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