[Shop-talk] 2008 Mustang Tire Wear

shop-talk2 at mcfetridge.org shop-talk2 at mcfetridge.org
Mon Jun 20 20:32:10 MDT 2011

> I have a 2008 Mustang GT (Bullitt model).  To my surprise, the front tires
seem to wear more on the inside than the outside, 
> which is unexpected since I try to spend as much time on the outside of
the tread as possible (if you get my 'drift').

>From my experience with strut suspensions, moderate negative camber with
mild toe-out can cause that sort of wear in 10k miles or so (e.g., -1.5
camber and 1/8" toe-out).  If you eliminate the toe (out or in), the wear is
reduced considerably.  I ended-up running -2.5 camber and adjusting two-out
at each autocross to reduce the inside tire wear.  For a street car I'd
probably just do a minimum of camber and have the two set to zero.  

BTW, I love those Bullitts -- nice and understated.

- Ian

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