[Shop-talk] Electrolytic Rust Removal on a large part

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 11:48:48 MST 2011

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Nolan <opposumking at verizon.net> wrote:
> I am far from a super well versed expert on electrolytic rust removal.
B I've
> done it, enjoyed it, have a bucket and stuff for it.
> When I first tried it, I used rebar, and was quite disappointed with the
> results. B Don't remember what forum I was in discussing it, but someone
> suggested I use something with a lot more surface area, like an old saw
> blade. B Tried that, and the process really took off. B  Surface area has a
> tremendous effect on the process. B Far for than power does.

If surface area is important (which isn't surprising, it's the
controlling limit in a lot of reactions.), how about using something
like the mesh that's used in concrete work?  It's cheap, it's got lots
of surface area, it'll be flexible enough to bend to fit whatever you
put it in.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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