[Shop-talk] Tool APB: Rotating head pliers?

Scott scott.hall.personal at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 22:25:35 MST 2011

I'm having a hard time imagining how a set of pliers like that would 
work.  You'd need a cam to offset the force 90 degrees, but you'd also 
need something stationary for the cam to rest on. I'd like to see the 
pics of your dad's set(s).

Having said all that, any tutorials you have on how you got to be 
just...incredible at Sketchup would be much appreciated.  I've followed 
all the Google ones and even if I could produce that (I can't) it'd take 
me months to even get close.

On 12/27/2011 10:12 PM, David Hillman wrote:
> http://planet-torque.com/misc/plier.png

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