[Shop-talk] Salvage title vehicles

Tim tputland at charter.net
Tue Jul 27 08:19:00 MDT 2010

Well, Yes and no, it was a win win, but I was still the bad guy as the insurance company information didn't get relayed to my daughter and myself until a couple hours later when my wife got home from work. So, I was the big time heal for a good part of yesterday afternoon. 

I actually don't have to consider my insurance company evil. We use Liberty Mutual for the house, three daily drivers and two 1970 Datsun Roadsters, and have had no problems with them, at all. They even insure my Datsuns the same way Haggerty or Grundy would with less limitations for about the same money. (Your experience may differ! lol)

---- Mark Andy <marka at maracing.com> wrote: 


On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Tim wrote:
> Despite all the words of wisdom and personal experience offered by those 
> on this list, my 20 year old daughter was still dead set on buying this 
> car. All I could do was throw my hands up. Since when does one's child 
> actually listen to words of wisdom when either coming from, or relayed 
> by, a parent?
> Anyway.........Thankfully, our insurance company would not insure the 
> car without a detailed, written account of the damages and repairs done 
> by the person(s) who fixed the car. Needless to say, the guy would not 
> provide anything like this.

Sounds like the evil insurance company got to be the bad guy and not you, 
so its a win all around.  :-)


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