[Shop-talk] Salvage title vehicles

Tim tputland at charter.net
Tue Jul 27 05:56:01 MDT 2010

Despite all the words of wisdom and personal experience offered by those on this list, my 20 year old daughter was still dead set on buying this car. All I could do was throw my hands up. Since when does one's child actually listen to words of wisdom when either coming from, or relayed by, a parent?

Anyway.........Thankfully, our insurance company would not insure the car without a detailed, written account of the damages and repairs done by the person(s) who fixed the car. Needless to say, the guy would not provide anything like this.

Thanks very much to all who replied!!

Beers on me if you are ever in Southcentral WI!!!!

Dairyland Datsuns

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