[Shop-talk] Fly-n-drive question

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 16:28:55 MDT 2010

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:50 PM, tom mitchell <3000mk3 at bighealey.org> wrote:
> I guess I am not in my right mind, because I would drive British car
> anywhere in a heartbeat

About 15 years ago, I flew from chicago to LA, bought a Land-Rover
(totally sight unseen!  I'd had a friend examine it, but I hadn't seen
a picture of it, this before digital cameras were common), jumped in,
and drove home.  Had no mechanical problems, even though I chose the
hottest week of the year to do it.  Drove directly from the highway
into work, because of some crisis.  Broke down on the way home.
(Very, very funny breakdown: the radiator bypass hose sprang a very
small leak, and shot a stream of water up and backwards.  It hit the
bonnet, directly above the distributor, and dripped on it, causing a
stall.  Fix to get home was simply wipe things dry, tie rag to hose to
keep the coolant from hititing the bonnet.  A reason rags are better
than paper towels!)   I had a spare (came with the truck); had it
happened on the road, I'd've installed it.

I'm only rarely accused of being in my right mind, though.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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