[Shop-talk] trailer ramps

Steven Trovato strovato at optonline.net
Sat Jul 3 15:17:37 MDT 2010

Yes, you're right.  The ramps themselves rattle around in their 
carrier and I definitely hear that in motion.  I guess working on 
that has just sensitized me to avoid "loose stuff".  I'm going to go 
check my taillights now.  I think one of the bulbs is loose and I 
hear it rattling.  :-)


At 02:42 PM 7/3/2010, Shop at \" Just Brits \" wrote:
>Not if you run the chains thru rubber [or whatever] hose[s],
>Steve <G> !!!  Age old "cure" usually used on trailer-to-tow
>And I am curious, how in the world would you hear SMALL
>bolt chains at the REAR of a trailer whilst in motion ??
>You can hear a pin-drop at 50 feet ???  LOL

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