[Shop-talk] trailer ramps

Pat Horne pat at hornesystemstx.com
Fri Jul 2 21:54:58 MDT 2010

  How about spring loaded pins then. I'm thinking about the type that is 
used to secure a trailer tongue jack either vertical or horizontal.



Thusly spake Steven Trovato, On 7/2/2010 8:40 PM:
> Yes, I think that's what I was considering.  One of the other things 
> I'm trying to do is eliminate as much of the rattling as possible.  I 
> think bolts on chains might go against that goal.
> At 09:19 PM 7/2/2010, Pat Horne wrote:
>> How about drilling holes in the angle at the back and using bolts to 
>> lock the ramps in place. That way you can move the ramps in and out 
>> as needed.
>> To keep track of the bolts, weld a small chain to them and the other 
>> end to the trailer or ramp.
>> Peace,
>> Pat

Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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