[Shop-talk] Toyota Pedal Brouhaha

Mark Andy marka at maracing.com
Tue Feb 2 22:29:09 MST 2010


On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, Chad on LEG wrote:
>> Of course, this is in cars with brakes in good working condition. 
> ... and the computer is not hosed up.
> I once heard said "A program with no bugs hasn't been thoroughly debugged".

Huh?  There are two ways I read this... One is that you don't know how 
brakes work.  Or two that you know how brakes work a whole heck of a lot 
better than me.  :-)

Explain how a computer bug can cause a problem here?  It can't do it on 
the engine / throttle side... By definition that's already at WOT.


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