[Shop-talk] Toyota Pedal Brouhaha

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 13:47:14 MST 2010

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Gerald Brazil <gerrybraz at cablespeed.com>wrote:

> If you just turn the key off you loose power steering and brakes.....
> I have a Nissan with a "Smart Key" and I got to thinking about what to
> do.....I decided to see how it worked. When I was driving I couldn't turn
> it
> off by pushing the "Stop/Start" button. I tried shifting into neutral and
> it
> still wouldn't turn off. I called the service rep at my favorite dealer and
> asked him....he wasn't aware that you couldn't turn it off this way
> either....He suggested that I shift into neutral and let the rev limiter do
> its job and save the engine (hopefully), pull over and when you come to a
> stop, turn the engine off.....
Who gives a crap about the engine?  put it in neutral.  If the engine blows
up, at least you're not dead.  once you've stopped, you get the car maker to
buy you a new one.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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