[Shop-talk] Problem with refrigerator

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 17:42:12 MDT 2010

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Pat Horne <pat at hornesystemstx.com> wrote:
> B John,
> The drip tube is usually hidden below the coils inside the freezer. It ends
> up in a pan under and outside the unit, so take the kick off and see if you
> can find the other end of the hose. Run a wire up through it and see if
> there are any blocks.
> Another thing that may be causing the ice in the freezer, is a leaky seal
> the freezer door. If the door got warped during the move, it may not be
> sealing all the way around. Try putting a dollar bill between the door and
> the freezer body and see how hard it is to pull it out all the way around
> the door. You may find an area where it pulls out much easier than others.

Another thing that causes doors not to close properly is if the thing
isn't level.  At least some of the legs will have screw adjusters to
fix that.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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