[Shop-talk] stripping large wire - post mortum

john niolon jniolon at bham.rr.com
Tue Sep 29 18:11:53 MDT 2009

Well... the best laid plans... blah blah blah

the wire turned out to be different than expected. I experimented before the 
project started to see what would work best.

Instead of a nice round wire with a nice round thick rubber/vinyl/pvc jacket 
(like SO cable) it turned out to be almost a shrink wrapped vinyl jacket. 
The 'lays' of insulated wire strands carried a 'twist' and the vinyl 
followed that twist... so a straight cut down the wire was nearly impossible 
since the area between the 'lays' of wire wrapped around the cable making a 
full circle in about 6 inches.

Trying to 'untwist' the lay was impossible since the insulation was so tight 
around the

The tubing cutter was a no go...it only hit the high spots and was 
impossible to miss cutting the insulation on the individual conductors...

Liquid nitrogen was too expensive for this project... maybe next time we get 
a wiring job for NASA ??????

Checked with my dentist on my warranty on my partials...  seems wire 
stripping will void the warranty...go figure...

the most reliable but still tedious method was with a utility knife with 
about 3/8" blade stickout and carefully follow the void between the 
conductors... I'm glad this project is complete...

I did find that using a standard wire stripper for romex cable is great for 
4/0 wire also...just clamp judiciously and make a revolution around the wire 
and pull... clean cut and no damage to the copper or aluminum 
conductors...no whittlin' required.

I do plan on investing on a serious cable cutter with 24" handles or so.... 
my little 9" greenlees struggled on that thick hard copper... also my 
arthritic grip leaves something to be desired...

I did notice that the large cable has a nylon strip thread imbedded much 
like cat 5 cable... but it did a pathetic job and just usually broke before 
it cut the jacket...

the search continues for the next project with big ole honkin cable...


You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative 
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You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and 
should do for themselves.
William J. H. Boetcker 

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