[Shop-talk] How to Make Water Flow Downhill
Elton E. (Tony) Clark
eltonclark at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 19:47:17 MDT 2009
*I can understand why there is slow flow out the vent since there is only an
inch of "head" above the hose connect but what in 'ell is creating the
pressure in the photo where the water is spurting out? Is the downspout
standing full of water or something?*
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 7:18 PM, David Hillman <hillman at planet-torque.com>wrote:
> Since we've been on the topic of moving water around lately, and I cannot
> figure this problem out, I have to ask this stupid question. How can I make
> water flow downhill?
> A couple weeks ago, I bought a rain-barrel 'kit' ( not much more than a
> plastic barrel, really ). I drilled a hole near the bottom, and installed a
> spigot, that works great. I cut a hole in the top, and run a gutter
> downspout into it, also no problem.
> http://planet-torque.com/home/rainbarrel/rainbarrel1.jpg
> Where gravity seems to be broken is in the area of the overflow. I
> drilled a hole, and installed a simple fitting to which I attached a garden
> hose.
> http://planet-torque.com/home/rainbarrel/rainbarrel3.jpg
> Water will not flow through that hose when attached to the barrel.
> http://planet-torque.com/home/rainbarrel/rainbarrel2.jpg
> I've tried two different hoses ( and normal garden hose, and this coiled
> one pictured ), with the same result. They are not blocked, kinked or
> otherwise obstructed, and they flow fine when attached to any other source.
> When I remove the hose, water flows out just fine as you can see here.
> http://planet-torque.com/home/rainbarrel/rainbarrel6.jpg
> It doesn't make any difference if the lid or cap on the barrel are tight,
> since they aren't close to air-tight. With either hose on, the barrel will
> fill completely, and overflow out the top, but it will not flow downhill,
> unless I open the spigot at the bottom which will drain it fine.
> http://planet-torque.com/home/rainbarrel/rainbarrel4.jpg
> This should be so simple. I am out of ideas. Anyone have any? Thanks.
> --
> David Hillman
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