[Shop-talk] pool cooler
Rich White
rlwhitetr3b at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 28 19:47:39 MDT 2009
I'm looking to move the temp the other way, but in lots of ways the devices
are going to be similar. Oh and in this area the solar cover does not always
get and keep the pool warm enough.
Most of the heaters I've seen on the web fit in the pump return, so I would
think your cooler would fit there also.
I would think the more radiator surface you have the more it would cool. I
might be wrong, but I would not think you would want to paint them black as
you do not want to pickup heat from the sun. I'll let someone else address
the need for a fan.
I have found manual diverter valves for about $40.00. If there is a better
way I'm interested. If the radiators are always in the shade, maybe you can
run through them all the time or turn the pump off during day.
Rich White St. Joseph, IL USA
'63 TR3B TCF587L
That ain't a scrap pile, that is my car!
See it moves!
> Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 19:50:11 -0500
> From: shochschild at att.net
> To: dmscheidt at gmail.com; shop-talk at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] pool cooler
> Wow, so if I piped a radiator into the system and pumped through it at
> night, it would cool? Great, this is just the kind of thing I would
> like to try.
> Givens: Say it is 100 during the day, and drops to 80 at night. My
> pool is about 92 right now and getting warmer daily. If I could get it
> down to 85 it would be well worth it.
> I have at least two car radiators in the junk pile, rather, I meant to
> say, in inventory.
> How much radiator surface? Would 4 be twice as effective as 2? Should
> I spray them black?
> Do I need to run a fan through them; in other words how important is air
> flow to the heat transfer?
> If I pipe them into the return from the filter system, then I wouldn't
> have to even worry about a pump -- is there a cheap and easy
> thermostatic control to switch a valve whenever ambient < pool temp?
> I envision a simple array of car radiators on a frame with radiator
> tubing connecting them in parallel, set up as a separate loop back under
> the trees where the filter, pump, and chlorinator are.
> If this works, it will be a very popular Instructable. Everyone wants
> their pool cooler around here...
> Thanks!
> P.S. For the OP, yes, a simple pool cover will make your pool warm enuff
> for anyone. They are a pain unless you get an automatic as recommended,
> or even just a spool that you turn the crank on manually.
> > Solar pool heater, run when the sun isn't shining. Radiative cooling
> > works as well as radiative heating. (Better, some times. The night
> > sky is a lot colder than the day time sky is warm.)
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