[Shop-talk] Mailbox to end all mailboxes
David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 18:08:29 MDT 2009
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:47 PM, <eric at megageek.com> wrote:
> I have a question about mailbox posts. B Does anyone know if there is a
> requirement for your mailbox to "break away" if a car hits it?
> Here is my problem, in my rural area of NJ, we get lots of wet snow. B The
> plow drivers are off season NASCAR drivers practicing their time trials as
> they plow.
> So my mail box next knocked down every now and then.
We solved this problem by getting a long (14 or 16 feet) 4X4, digging
(with a tractor auger) a hole deep enough that it sticks out the usual
3 or 4 feet, filling the hole with concrete, and setting the post in
it. It's been there 15 years.
> The first step I did was to pave about 10' in from the edge of the road.
> This means there is now a 10' gap from where they are plowing to my
> mailbox. B It didn't take them long to figure out the new speeds they need
> to go in order to knock it down at that distance.
> The county says they are not responsible for mailboxes knocked over by
> plows. B (and I need to stay on the good side of my county guys.)
> So, I figured I'd make a mailbox post that was indestructible.
> What I did was take 2 1/2" rebar posts (two of them) and concreted them
> into the ground 20" and they are 19" apart. B Then I welded a 6" C beam
> across the top of them, and welded another 6" C beam to that for the
> mailbox to be attached to.
> But I started thinking (always dangerous for me to do) that if a car was
> to go off the road and hit this thing, it would be "Car, meet immovable
> object" and I was wondering if I'm liable.
I'm not aware of anything. USPS just cares about it being suitable
for mail. Your state, county, or city might have rules, but I doubt
(When I was in high school, I spun out of control on ice, slid off the
road, and hit the driver's front wheel of me VW pickup on a mailbox
post. It was made of an old barn beam, 14 or 16 inches square, and
who knows how deep. I destroyed the front axle and fender of the
truck, spun around the post 270 degrees. Didn't hurt the damn post
one bit. scumbag who owned the house wouldn't even let me use a phone
to call a tow truck. Had to walk a mile to the next house. 14" oak
beams don't last long against mr Stihl, it turned out. )
> Now don't get me wrong, if there are any requirements, I'll just add a
> guardrail around this thing as the mail box isn't going anywhere anytime
> soon.
> I'll post pictures the first nice day I get of the mail boxes, and the two
> navigational buoys I added to the end of my driveway for those of you with
> more time on your hands then you need. B 8>)
> Moose
> Everything I know about knots, I learned from Alexander the Great.
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David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com
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