[Shop-talk] Soft-jaw pliers

Karl Vacek kvacek at ameritech.net
Wed Jul 15 09:36:44 MDT 2009

Those "Plumbing pliers" look like they might do much of what I want. 
Certainly they should work for small chromed or aluminum, etc. parts.  Maybe 
my shower massage will finally stop spraying at its connections ;-)

I'd still like a set of aluminum or brass jaws too - maybe a soft-jawed pipe 
wrench.  Right now I'm rebuilding some Girling Luvax shock absorbers and 
they have large straight-knurled caps on each end.  I'm going to have to 
bore a hole in some aluminum and then split it into two halves to make a 
tool to remove those caps without marking them.


> Is there a reasonably-priced source of ready-made soft-jaw pliers (or pipe
>> wrenches) ??  Maybe aluminum or brass jaws, maybe something like Delrin
>> or regular Nylon ??
> How about covers for the pliers like these from Harbor Freight:
> http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=91952
> I've seen similar pads at Sears:
> http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00945446000P?keyword=pliers
> (search for "pliers covers" in case the link doesn't work).
> Or even "Soft Jaw Plumbing Pliers" :
> http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00977205000P?keyword=jaw
> Tim Mullen 

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