[Shop-talk] Fastener question

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Tue Sep 9 13:10:43 MDT 2008

> > Any suggestions on what type of fastener to use to secure it
> > firmly?

I will ditto the suggestion to use the blind nut inserts

>  The Facet pump came with two self tapping 1/4 x 28 or 32
> > tpi screws.  Will that hold it well enough on thin sheet metal?

IMO, no, not for the long term; at least not if your Sprite shakes anything
like my TR3A on rough roads.

> > I will also need to use some sort of shock absorption behind it,
> > possible just some thin rubber like a grommet?

Takes more than just rubber behind it, IMO.  That still leaves the bolt as
direct metal-to-metal contact, which combined with the amplifying effect of
a flat piece of sheet metal will still leave an annoying noise.

What I did was cut a small bracket from strap steel, and drilled it for
rubber grommets and flat washers for both the bolts into the car, and the
bolts into the pump.  Since the grommets protrude on both sides of the
bracket, there is no metal-to-metal between either the pump and bracket, or
the bracket and the body.  The result is that I cannot hear the pump at all,
unless I stick my head in the trunk.

There are fancier soft mounts available that would likely work just as well
(search MMC for "vibration mounts"), but the above took only 1/2 hour or so
to fabricate from parts on hand, and worked out well, IMO.


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