[Shop-talk] IR compressor troubles

John T. Blair jblair1948 at cox.net
Mon Sep 1 19:10:46 MDT 2008

At 08:45 PM 9/1/2008, Dan Fest  wrote:

 >I have an Ingersal Rand air compressor that I purchased new from Northern
 >21/2 years ago....

 >I had trouble with the motor around two months ago and had to purchase a
 >new one....


Do you know what was wrong with the old motor?  I have a Craftsman 30 gal,
5hp 220V compressor that I've had for about 15 yrs.  I've only had 1 problem
with the motor.  About 2 yrs ago, it would not start.  I took it to local motor
shop, and they checked it over for me.  The start switch had gotten very dirty,
and could not make contact.  They cleaned the contacts and it's been fine
ever since.  (I really wished I'd check that switch.  But I figured is was the
start or run capacitor or the brushes.)

 >My problem is that it runs very hot.  When I use it for bead 
blasting say 15-20
 >mins the pump is too hot to touch.  The motor is very warm as 
well.   It's in my
 >shop located in a barn (not very tight) so I would think it gets 
plenty of air.  Is
 >this normal ??

I can't say what is normal for your compressor.  But for my compressor, yes -
it gets very hot if I'm using it for any length of time.  Also the 
outside air temp.
makes a big difference.  The hotter it is outside, the hotter the compressor
appears to get.  I have my compressor sitting under a work bench at the back
of my garage.  It is pretty stagnent there as I don't get much air 
flow in the shop
even with the door open.  And it gets VERY hot under the bench.  So I have
mounted a box fan in line with the  compressor.   If I'm going to be really
using the air, like a lot of cutting with my die grinder, blasting, 
using my DA,
etc. I turn the fan on to high to force air over the motor, compressor jugs and
tank to help cool it off.  Even with the fan blowing full bore, the 
motor and tank
still get very hot to the touch.   Don't even thing about touching the actual

You might also want to replace your air filter.  As it gets clogged up, the
compressor has to work harder to pull the air in to compress it.

John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:  jblair1948 at cox.net
Va. Beach, Va
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

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