Rex Burkheimer burkheimer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 11:52:14 MST 2008

On 11/19/2008 Elton E. (Tony) Clark wrote:
> *****Back to the original message:*
> *Did anyone else have a problem with tappet settings of .060",  .080"
> and
> .200"????????????*

Tony, those aircraft engines are based on designs from the 1930s
generally, and some of them have valvetrains well over a foot long, of
alloys that were not optimized for less expansion.
    Have you heard on of those old planes start up on a cold morning?
Sets your teeth on edge, it does.

By the way, I assume everyone is familiar with Aircraft Spruce?

How goes the vintage loti scene?
Rex B
Ft Worth TX

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