[Shop-talk] sheared bolts...I hate 'em

Eric J Russell ejrussell at mebtel.net
Wed May 21 16:55:23 MDT 2008

If possible, some sort of jig to guide a drill bit straight into the 
bolt's center is worth the effort to construct. Some times it's as 
simple as a bushing that will fit over the protruding bit of the bolt 
or fit into the hole the bolt is inside. And since it is usually a 
one-time use jig, hardwood is often sufficient (cheaper & easier to 
make if you gots scraps of wood lying about).

Left hand drill bits might prove useful.

I like PB Blaster as a rust penetrating lube.

I am always leery of the mis-labeled "Easy-Outs". If the bolt is just 
broken but not otherwise seized they work well. But that scenario is 
rare. They break because they are seized/rusted in place. And if you 
break an Easy Out in the broken bolt then you will learn why curse 
words were invented.

If drilling with progressively larger drill bits will not allow you to 
drill out the bolt until only the threads remain and allow the 
weakened threads to be picked out then consider drilling it out 
completely and using a thread repair insert (such as Heli-Coil).

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Traci Pearson"

> I've had my share of sheared bolts on 510s, and
> in the past I always had someone else extract
> them for me. But I want to learn to do it on myself.
> Any ideas/techniques/advice are greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!

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