[Shop-talk] water filter for blast cabinet

Doug Braun doug at dougbraun.com
Sun May 11 20:37:42 MDT 2008

Did you notice the small print?

  "Paper filter has a one-year lifespan if cleaned
with a blow gun after each use"

Cleaning a vacuum cleaner filter with compressed air
is insanely messy!

I recommend the "used shop vac from a garage sale"

In my experience, the biggest hindrance to visibility
is the plastic shield on the inside of the glass
getting frosted up.  Fortunately, I found that a
nearby hardware store carried semi-rigid plastic film
for about $2 per yard, which means that a replacing
the plastic costs me about $1...


--- Marc <smarc at smarc.net> wrote:

> Of course, now I see this while poking around on the
> web... 

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