[Shop-talk] Welding Q

Jim Juhas james.f.juhas at snet.net
Thu May 8 22:39:00 MDT 2008

And when you're all done with your patches on your treasured classic car, you can tell admirers that it was grafted from a 1987 Taurus.

1957 MGA #311

-----Original Message-----

From:  "Mark Miller" <markmiller at threeboysfarm.com>
Subj:  Re: [Shop-talk] Welding Q
Date:  Thu May 8, 2008 9:28 pm
Size:  456 bytes
To:  <shop-talk at autox.team.net>

<looking for scrap metal to practice welding on>

I would recommend going to a local junkyard and picking up a body panel or
two.  Maybe a hood or door?  Cheaper and more eco-friendly than buying fresh

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