[Shop-talk] Welding Questions

Marc smarc at smarc.net
Thu May 8 09:07:26 MDT 2008

   Is there any way I can recognize galvanized when I see it?

   Mark Andy wrote:


On Thu, 8 May 2008, Marc wrote:

My buddy works for an HVAC mechanical contractor, and brought me a nice
assortment of scrap pieces in various gauges. Only problem is I think
all that metal is galvanized.

All the info I have read indicates welding on galvanized metal = NOT
GOOD (metal fume fever).  So, what's the story on this? Or, where can
you get small pieces (12" x 12") of sheet metal that is suitable to work

I did the metal fume fever thing once (didn't know it was called that...)

Trust me when I say that you do not want to go through that.

If you end up deciding to use the galvanized stuff, I'd sand/wire brush
the heck out of it or (better) sand blast it.  Either way, make sure you
have some ventilation when you weld it, and make sure your head isn't
directly over where you're welding.

All that said, I think Lowe's & HD carry sheet metal in various guages.
There's also www.metalexpress.net, and probably a ton of other options.


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