[Shop-talk] Amusing problem for auto mechanics!

Bill Engle Sr whesr at iglou.com
Wed May 7 14:55:02 MDT 2008

   Speaking of cats and shop happenings, the worst one for the cat I ever
   saw,  was  at the engine building shop of one of my friends.  He had a
   hot  tank  (caustic)  he used to clean engine blocks, heads, etc.  The
   tank was insulated and back then fuel costs where low so he kept it on
   all  the time.  One of the mice catching shop cats (named Mrs. Gasket)
   liked  to climb up on the top of the tank and sleep on the warm cover.
   One  afternoon when we were cleaning some parts and had just taken the
   parts  out  the tank the cat came bounding in the shop, jumped up on a
   box  and  on  to  the  cover.  She hit the hot caustic and didn't even
   struggle,  just  gone.  We always had a much healthier respect for the
   injury potential of that stuff from then.
   At 03:54 PM 5/7/2008, Elton E. (Tony) Clark wrote:

      *I  had  one  of  those"cat under the hood" encounters but the cat
     wasn't so
     > lucky . . .I waited 'til the lady next door who owned him went to
     > before I gathered up all the pieces and gave him a hasty burial .
     .  She
     > never could understand why he "ran off" like that . . . *

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