[Shop-talk] Improving celluar modem's ranges (non-moto, I need some assitance however)

Trevor Boicey trevor at boicey.com
Mon Jun 23 18:58:52 MDT 2008

eric at megageek.com wrote:
> I'm stuck here in the middle of the texas/NM desert and I can barely (but
> mostly "not") get a signal on my verizon wireless internet modem card.

   An externally mounted Yagi is tried and true, and connecting it to 
the external antenna port is mostly just a question of identifying the 
connectors you have and buying the right cable.

  Aiming the Yagi by trial an error is usually enough if you have a 
basic idea of where the tower is. I used a 14db yagi at my cottage for a 
few years with a 3W bag phone.

   The yagi is probably a good first purchase since it might work on 
it's own. But if it doesn't work, a power booster can be used with the 
same Yagi.

   The power booster will help you if the wireless card cannot put out 
enough signal to be heard by the nearest cell tower. It won't help as 
much as it might sound like from the advertising, but if the Yagi makes 
your signal acceptable then the booster might make it a little more 
stable. As well the wireless boosters remove the need to wire in the 
antenna to the card, useful if you are talking about something like a 
laptop and a wireless EVDO stick.

   http://www.cellantenna.com is another source.

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