[Shop-talk] Tabbed axle washers

Karl Vacek kvacek at ameritech.net
Tue Jul 15 12:37:15 MDT 2008

It's not as if Timken makes these bearings specifically for this 
application.  They're just what's closest.  I'm sure they'd be less than 
thrilled at the sales volume for BMC car conversions.  Heck - I'm surprised 
they even bother to list the application and have conversion notes too.  And 
if they were made for the application I bet they'd have made them to fit 
exactly rather than advising as they did to use a thinner washer, which is 
indeed the washer I'm looking for.

Maybe the stub axles were longer on your Morris Minor - this is a 1978 
rubber-bumpered Midget.  Apparently the axles are also larger-radiused at 
the shoulder than earlier models too, as I had to modify the radius on the 
bearing cones (between the bore and the face) to allow the cone to slide all 
the way onto the axle, up to the shoulder.  Perhaps that was an effort to 
strengthen the stub axles ??

Also - there used to be SKF bearings (with the same numbers but additional 
suffix letters) recommended for this application, but the bearing houses say 
they're now NLA, replaced by what I got.  Maybe some other brand has a 
closer match to what I need, but I don't want far-East mystery-metal 
bearings.  I wanted Timkens, and this is what they sell today.

But you're all welcome to come on over and make sure I didn't screw up. 
I'll have some cold beer ready, to make the trip to Chicago worthwhile  ;-)


>> The final assembly dimensions just happen to take up a bit more space 
>> than the original setup.
> Interesting. I remember doing this conversion on our Morris Minor (same 
> front axle setup) and not running into any dimensional problems... I 
> ultimately left the spacer out.
> I can believe that there are dimensional variations through the years, but 
> I'd be a little suspicious of assembly problems, since the Timken parts 
> are specifically for this conversion! 

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