[Shop-talk] Shielding gas tank

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 23:01:34 MST 2008

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:41 AM, Trevor Boicey <trevor at boicey.com> wrote:
> Jim Stone wrote:
>> How long does 20 cu ft of shielding gas last?  Given the minimal cost
>> difference between 20 and 40 cu feet of my primary shielding gas (I have
>> no
>> idea what they get for other mixes), am I stupid to even question this?
>  Mine is the 40cu ft. I'd say get the biggest bottle you are comfortable
> living with.

I've got an 80 foot bottle.  I wanted to buy a 20 ft bottle, but the
guy at the gas supply talked me into a 40 ft one.  I got the 80 ft
when I went to swap tanks, and they didn't have one my size, so they
gave me a bigger one.  I'm glad to have it.  the difference in filling
them is trivial (it was less than five bucks at the time. )  You might
also ask what it costs to swap sizes.  (They may do it for the
difference, or something close to it, if you decide you bought too
small.)  And, consider how often you'll do work requiring some other
gas; some places will rent you a cylinder for not a whole lot.

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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