[Shop-talk] jack stands

Trevor Boicey trevor at boicey.com
Wed Apr 30 09:16:39 MDT 2008

> higher, even though you wouldn't have the clearance to be able to stand
> under the vehicle in most residential garages.

  Worth chiming in, I don't consider this a real minus...

  I have a hoist in my garage, and I've moved from a house with "medium"
clearance to one with "lower" clearance.

  I find I am more comfortable sitting on a rolling chair under the car
than standing. I'm pretty sure I don't work as fast as a pro mechanic so
I like to be comfortable.

  The other upside is that the entire floor becomes your tool tray,
everything is within reach.

  The main downside is that when you need a new tool, you have to hunch
over to get to the tool chest...

  Overall though, sitting beats standing for me...

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