[Shop-talk] resistance (tong type) spot welders

Mike Rambour mikey at b2systems.com
Tue Apr 15 15:56:02 MDT 2008


 Perfect, thank you for the response, its what I was hoping for.  I was 
hoping someone here had actually used the HF one, sounds like it will 
work good enough for me.

 I am in Santa Barbara, Calif. and thanks for the offer of the loan, bet 
that once I get all the sheet metal bent and in place I only need the 
welder for 3 or 4 days but you are right, shipping it will cost more 
than buying one and having it for other uses in the future.

  Oh and since I was asked why don't I buy the firewall and floor panels 
with the quote "since they are made for most cars".  I am putting 
together a 1934 Singer Le Mans, you don't call too many people and buy 
those parts.  The original firewall was a mixture of wood and aluminum 
and the trans tunnel was made of "I sure don't know", the floor is just 
plywood.  I don't have most of those parts so I am building a proper 
firewall with no flammable wood and then a nice trans tunnel, I will 
still use plywood for the floors.  I had hoped to get to the UK this 
year for Singer national so I could take LOTS of pics since I have not 
seen another one of these here in the U.S. but I wont get there this 
year and don't want to wait anymore, so I will guess it best as I can 
and no one in the U.S. will know its wrong anyway (this list excepted of 


Eric J Russell wrote:
> I bought the H-F unit to spot weld on the sills & pillars for my MGA.
> It works adequately for my purpose. I made a few test welds using 
> scraps of sheet metal then tested them to destruction. They were hard 
> enough to destroy to satisfy me. BTW, I also used 'weld through' 
> primer between the pieces. It does burn away the primer in the heat 
> affected zone but didn't seem to adversely affect the spot welds. Keep 
> in mind the unit is quite heavy -  a factor if you must contort into 
> odd positions or make long reaches to make the welds. Also, the sheet 
> metal should fit together well in order to make good spot welds. Don't 
> use the tong's clamping force to draw the parts into contact.
> H-F does sell a set of 'extended reach' tongs. They are not available 
> in the retail stores though. And now I can't find them on their web page.
> Where are you in cyberspace? You are welcome to borrow mine but it is 
> probably not worth shipping vs buying one on sale at H-F.
> Eric Russell
> Mebane, NC
> http://home.mebtel.net/~ejrussell
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Rambour"
>> I was looking at a tong type resistance spot welder,
>>  Looking for suggestions, will the HF unit work for one job ? will I be
>> sorry I got it ? 

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