[Shop-talk] fresh oil stain on concrete floor

Wayne wmc_st at xxiii.com
Sun Sep 30 11:47:09 MDT 2007

Bill wrote:
> Soak up some more of it by spreading down cheap Kitty Litter, putting on 
> your boots and grinding it in by dancing a Jig on top.  It's amazing how 
> clean that will make it and it's all I've ever done.  I'm sure others 
> can take it from there, though.  HTH

I was gonna say the exact same thing.  the litter or oil dry will soak 
it up faster that the concrete, so putting it down ASAP after the spill 
is important.  Sweep it up in a day or so.  Then I like to spray it down 
with brake cleaner or other harsh solvent and repeat the litter grind.


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