[Shop-talk] WOW, I never thought I'd say this about Harbor Freight!

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Fri Oct 26 09:34:13 MDT 2007

> I, too, have found some pretty good items at HF. Sunday I was 
> in HF and found what looked like a too-good-to-be-true dial 
> caliper for $20:
> http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=5658

Perhaps it wasn't the same model, but the 6" caliper I held at HF didn't
seem any nicer than the $15 ones from Enco:
which are frequently on sale for even less.  I've bought several of these
over the years, and always been happy with them.  Did manage to tear up one
of them, but my own fault for letting gunk get into the rack.

The one at HF didn't zero correctly either.  Of course you can turn the
scale to compensate, but you shouldn't have to ... I took it as a sign that
the gear train had slipped somewhere and likely would again.

As mentioned before, HF has NO quality control, so one item may be fine and
the next seemingly identical one junk.  As a long-time Enco customer, I feel
they have more quality control than HF (although maybe not a whole lot

> So for $20 I got good dial calipers. Now I need to get a mic 
> to recheck the feelers...


Had to zero mine, but they seem accurate otherwise.

I'll buy pretty much anything else at HF, but not precision measuring tools.
In fact, I'm going down there tomorrow to pick up a sabre saw, since it
seems a contractor has disappeared with the one I had before.  Sure glad it
wasn't a Makita !

NFI, YMMV, etc.

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