[Shop-talk] Socket holders

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 12:03:30 MDT 2007

On 7/3/07, Kent Sullivan <kentsu at corvairkid.com> wrote:
> One thing to consider when doing auto work is how many sockets do you really
> need for a given car? Most American cars use very few sizes. Has anyone
> tried organizing their sockets in groups based on what is needed for a given
> project? I know I have a lot of socket sizes I have never used, and probably
> never will...

The smallish toolkit that lives in my Land-Rover is set up like this.
It's got a set of combination wrenches, a 3/8 ratchet, an extension, a
universal, and a socket rail.  I took a couple of the sockets that
I'll never use off the rail, and replaced them with a spark plug
socket, and a 3/8 BS socket (fits the hub bolts, which need tightening
from time to time.)

David Scheidt
dmscheidt at gmail.com

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