[Shop-talk] Satellite Internet Service

Pat Horne roadsters at hornesystemstx.com
Mon Aug 20 07:44:14 MDT 2007


I agree with what others  said about satellite service. I personally 
have not had it either, but s couple neighbors do. They use it mainly 
for email and surfing the web, so they like it. There are several 
problems that have not been brought up yet though. Just like the outage 
you get on satellite TV when it rains, you have the same problem on the 
internet service. I also understand that the satellite providers require 
upgrades of the feed horn every couple of years, which is at the 
subscriber's expense. (I have not been able to verify this one as the 
two local users have not had their service that long.)

Has your friend looked to see if there is a ground based wireless 
internet provider in the area? Actually, I do installs for this type of 
service for rural folks in the Central Texas area. I've done links up to 
20 miles from the tower that work just fine. The ground based wireless 
does not go out during rain storms, does not suffer from the delays, and 
usually costs less than satellite service.


Thusly spake Elton E. (Tony) Clark:
> *I have an ol' friend in the "outback" of wildest Vermont who can't get DSL
> or cable for his internet  source and he's getting sick of "dialup" . . He's
> heard bad stories from someone on Hughes Satallite and I wonder if any of
> the astute collective wisdom of the "Shop Talk" list  can comment on their
> experience with any of the satallite internet service providers . . *
> *We'll appreciate advice.*
> *Tony in Texas  *

Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems 
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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