[Oletrucks] Rims for '49 Chevy Pickup

David Raphael draphael at comcast.net
Wed Jun 26 16:33:43 MDT 2013


	I am interested in finding 15 inch rims for my '49 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup.  It
currently has 6-lug, 16- inch wheels, and I like the look of the smaller
wheels and tires.  Someone has offered rims he says came off of a '41 Chevy
passenger car.  They have the 6-lug Chevy pattern, but my question is whether
the center hole of the wheel will fit my truck.  I've measured my current
rims, and the diameter of the opening is 3 1/2 inches.  Are they
interchangeable?  Thanks for your help.		David

David Raphael
Portland, OR 97215

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