[Oletrucks] 261 engine in Windsor Colorado

Durwood B. Darbin dhckdkcsk at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 14 10:45:56 MST 2010

Hello Bolt Heads,

I have located a 261 engine in a yard in Windsor Colorado.  Block casting is
3769717 and the head is 3835918.  Not a 261 head it seems.  The yard owner
says $250.00 and you don't need a core but you must remove it from the
vehicle.  I'll direct whomever that wants it to the vehicle, and yes including
Texans (as long as they return home immediately [24 hours max stay] after
obtaining the engine).  Just don't gush around about the '261' to the yard
owner cuz it seems to increase in value when he finds out that it is
'special'.  This makes the 4th 261 that I have found there.!!!  The $250.00 if
for a '54 to 62 high pressure chevy 6 cylinder truck engine' which includes
235 and 261.

Durwood @ TESRWNN
51 Chevy 1/2 ton Deluxe 5 window
52 Burb
54 Jimmy 1/2 ton Deluxe 5 window

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